Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Teachers Day!!

Today all over Turkey Teachers Day is celebrated. Ataturk believed that the 'new generation will be created by teachers', and therefore the 24th November is annually celebrated as Teachers Day. Although the teachers do not get a day off like you might assume, the students show their appreciation is other ways. At The State Turkish Music and Dance Conservatoire, as the teachers entered the classroom all the students clapped and cheered for them.  Then at lunchtime everyone gathered in the theatre. As the teachers walked in everyone created an archway for them to walk through holding sparklers. A short film was played that a few of the students had made, and it included old video footage of the teachers performing in various dance companies along with some photos. Then there was music, cake, drinks and a bit of a dance! 

I think it was such a lovely occasion and I wish it was also celebrated in England. Anyway, just a quick post today but I would like to thank all the teachers I have had over the years, especially the amazing teachers at Roehampton who taught me so much, I am very grateful! X

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